
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hooded Pitohui

Goodfellow's Tree-kangaroo

New Guinea Singing Dog

  • ... that the Bugis, a sea-faring people of Southern Sulawesi, were trading with Aboriginal people of Northern Australia long before European colonists arrived in the area. The products of the forest and sea that they brought back were avidly sought after in the markets of Asia, where they were bartered for opium, silk, cotton, firearms and gunpowder.
  • ... that the Javan Rhinoceros is one of the rarest and most endangered large mammals anywhere in the world. According to 2002 estimates, only about 60 remain alive, in Indonesia and Vietnam. They are primarily found in Ujung Kulon National Park, Java, but sightings are extremely rare.

In episode 5 of the Judge Dredd epic The Cursed Earth (1978), Dredd encounters a group of mutants, the leader of whom has had his face added alongside those of the other presidents, now also including that of Jimmy Carter.